If you have a completed game save of Ratchet & Clank (if which you acquired the weapons) on the memory card you saved Going Commando to, you will get. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Ratchet & Clank for PlayStation 4.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a. However, Ratchet & Clank brings it back with having a cheats menu built right into the game. In order to access it, you’ll need to get Gold Bolts. You can check out our guide on how to get them. Comparisons between this and the original Ratchet & Clank game 2 Insomniac releases new Ratchet and Clank story trailer, see Solana through Qwark's eyes 1 Preview: Ratchet & Clank PS4 demo lives. Get the latest Ratchet And Clank cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 2 (PS2). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 2 cheats we have available for. On booting the game up, you'll see Ratchet and Clank sitting in a chair playinga a videogame (the Press Start screen). Ratchet will be playing levels from the original R&C game and this one. Leave it run for a few minutes and he'll start playing other Sony platformers Sly Racoon and Jak II.
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Get the latest Ratchet And Clank cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 2 (PS2). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
This page contains Ratchet and Clank cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for Playstation 2. Ratchet and Clank. Right now we have 9 Cheats and etc for this game and every day we increase our collection with new Ratchet and Clank cheats If you can not find the needed cheat in our list, check this page periodically or subscribe for this game's updates!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 2 cheats we have available for Ratchet And Clank.
Cross By Boat
When you go to resort, when you cross the river to the other island jump out of the boat and hang on the edge the fish things won't attack.
Easy Bolts
First you need to get the hologuise from the Gadgetron site and then travel to Blackwater City and equip the hologuise and then get on the hoverboard track and you will be walking on the track. After this go to the big stack of crates and then equip the taunter and tape the circle button and then leave it this way and when you wake up you will have a ton of bolts.
Lots Of Money!
To get more bolts (money) you have to havethe 'Hologuise'. After you get it, go back toBlackwater city and become a robot. Enter therace, and you will be on your feet instead of onyour board. Go to the big pile of boxs stackedon top of each other and wipp out your Taunter.Then stand under the pile and tape down the 'O'button and bolts will start falling from thesky. I know, I was scared at first, but then Ifound out that it didn't affect your health. Sodon't be scared try it!
Suck The Fish
During the resort when you cross on the boat use the sucker cannon to suck the fish.
Easy Bolts
Go to planet Kerwan. When you get there hover below the platform (you need either the HILIPACK or the JETPACK) your ship is on and go in where the ships are flying. There you will find a gold bolt. To get easy bolts, hold L2, aim at the ships flying above you, rapidly tap square, and whaammy! Your in bolt city! (there are infinite ships:) ).
How To Get More Nanotech On Orxon
Hate those birds and armored beasts that kill you on Orxon in four hits? Also hate Drek pwning you so easily? Not anymore with a new upgrade from Gadgetron Industries! When exploring as Clank on Orxon, you'll pass a soda machine with an 'N' on it. Remember the location because it'll come in handy. Now when you're playing as Ratchet and get to the second Gadgetron vendor, go to the left instead of the right (use your map to lead the way). Go right and jump into a room. Keep going forward. You will soon find the machine. It'll say 'Buy Premium Nanotech for 4, 000 Bolts'. Do it. You'll receive a can which Ratchet drinks from, burps, then crushes the an with his hands. After it, you'll have FIVE Nanotech health balls instead of four. Then It'll say 'Buy Ultra Nanotech for 30, 000 Bolts'. Do it when you have 30, 000. Ratchet will drink a can, burp louder and longer, then crush the can with his head. Now you have EIGHT Nanotech balls instead of five. Happy killing!
How To Defeat Drek
You may think that the R. Y . N . O . Is the easiest way to kill Drek. YOU'RE WRONG! I defeated Drek, R. Y . N . O . Free! Here's the instructions for Defeated Drek Soup:Ingredients: Tesla Claw, Swingshot, Devastator, Drek, Ratchet, Clank, and Blaster.Directions: 1. Go to the first thing where Drek is with the Swingshot (this will be every time you go after him). 2 . Use the Tesla Claw and you'll be done in a jiffy. 3 . Use Tesla Claw on the secod thing, or if you're out of ammo, use Blaster. 4 . Finally go to the third (don't worry, you'll get ammo for Blaster and T-Claw). Use Devastator if you're out/low on ammo with Blaster and T-Claw. 5 . PWN DREK WITH T-CLAW, BLASTER, AND DEVASTATOR BABY! 6 . Enjoy.
Get Novalis Gold Bolt Faster
When you first get to Novalis (the 2nd planet, that has a river in the middle), you can't get the gold bolt because it is upriver and you need the hydro-pack that you get later in the game to get it. But if you beat Novalis and head straight to Kerwan and get the heli-pack from Al, then you can get the bolt. Simply head back to Novalis and jump off the cliff down below. Head towards the bridge entrance. Go up the steps but don't go in the doorway. Turn around and face the other wall. There is a little red mushroom there in the corner. Stand on it and look up. On the rocky, earthen wall, there are big rocks jutting out. Crouch and jump up high and one of the rocks that is right above the mushroom is able to be stood on in the right spot. Keep trying until you get it. Then do a crouch jump again until you are standing in the air on top of an 'invisible wall', designed to keep you from cheating. Get on top of the building that leads to the bridge, and jump to the next one over. The rest of the buildings in that area will not work because you go right through them and fall to the ground. Crouch jump to the wall and fly down through the wall. You will find yourself in a tunnel with water in it. This is where the Bolt is. Keep trying until you get to the ledge and don't get pushed back downstream. Look around until you find the bolt in the caves. If you don't have the pryorcitor or the blaster yet, then avoid the green slime blobs, or ameboids, at all costs. The bolt is up some steps that are in a big room full of ameboids. After you find the bolt just head back to the water and it will take you out and back to familiar territory (the canyon below your ship).
How To Unlock Goodies Menu And All The Options
Ratchet And Clank Ps2 Cheats
To get the goodies menu you have to beat thegame. Then there are four secret options in it.To unlock them do this: unlock 15 skill points,unlock all skill points, and the bottom two youhave to buy all the gold weapons. Gold weaponsplace can be found at the first planet through ateleporter at the beginning and another secretone can be found after you beat quark by one of thetowers and you have to jump wall to wall up to it.
Glide On The Ground Without The Rocket Pack
To glide on the ground first you have to put onthe rocket pack then hit R1 twice very fast. Nowyou are gliding. To make it so you can't see therocket pack hit Start go to gadgets and selectthe Heli-Pack then hit start. You will begliding on the ground without the rocket pack.To stop gliding press 'X' or use a weapon.
Infinate Bolts
Go to planet Kewan. Once you get off the shipturn around and jump off the ledge. Only do thisif you have the Heli-pack. Using its Glidefeature glide down facing the wall. you will seea tunnle. go into it. Once there not only willyou see a bunch of boxes but you'll find a Goldbolt. But the real point is this. Once in thetunnle use your wrench's comet-strike on theflying ships, they'll explode and give youbolts. This will give you infinate bolts becausethe ships will never stop coming.
Glich In Metropalice
When you enter the level head towards the training course. Once there go to the secondpart and find the gold bolt location. DO NOT FLY YET. If you look just above that spot you will se a room. It may be hard but it is possable to go to the upper part. Than walk into the chamber and you will see what happens.
Tesla Claw Discount

When you see the Tesla Claw in the Gagetronwindow, wait until you you get the gadget fromthe scientist then instead of having to pay the40,000, you get a discount on the Tesla Claw soyou only have to pay 30,000 bolts.
End Of The Game Secrets
After you beat the game, a lot of things happen.The first thing is when you restart the game,whatever weapon you used to beat Drek you get alot of that weapons ammo, the second thng thathappens is you get more bolts per box. The thirdthing is when you restart the game you get allthe bolts you previously had when you beat thegame. The final thing is the Gold Weapons Room,don't worry about the prices of the weapons, youeasily aquire the bolts as there are more nowthat you bea the game.
Novalis Secret Gold Bolt
NOTE: Hydro-pack needed. On the Planet Novalis,jump into the stream and go underwater and whipout the Hydro-pack, keep swimming until you reacha dead end and jump out, and there you will find another Gold Bolt.
Planet Gaser Gold Bolts
The first Gold Bolt in Planet Gasper is aquiredby going to the platform where the pilot's Helmwas. Go to the top right corner of the platformand you should see a volcano looking thing, glideinto the center and destroy all the enemy's toget the Gold Bolt. The second Gold bolt isaquired by following the swingshot path thatstarts by your ship, at the end awaits a GoldBolt, and a Skill point if you destroy all theships.
Planet Orxon Gold Bolts
The first Gold Bolt on Plaet Orxon is aquired byusing your self control missles in the minefield, the first wall reveals the Gold Bolt, butin order to aquire the Bolt you have t blow upall the walls. The second Gold Bolt is aquired bywall kicking in the lab that clank previuoslywalked through.
Aridia's Four
There are four Gold Bolts on Planet Aridia, thefirst one is by a sandshark maker. You will see abomb away wall, behind it is the Bolt. The secondis on the center island, you have to be by Skid'sagent to get it, and you need the Heli-pack tolong jump across the mud to get it, it's in adump truck. For the third Bolt you need theMagneboots, and once again you need to be bySkid's agent, walk up the pillars to the side ofhis ship to get the Bolt. Finally the last Boltyou need the Swingshot for. Follow the Swingshotpath to the Trespasser's Platform. Look down andthere will be some moving platforms, glide downto them and the Bolt is at the other end of theplatform.
Going Commando
There is in fact a Skill point called GoingCommando and it is in the last level. On PlanetVeldin, destroy ten of the guys with jet packsand those laser guns using only your wrench.
Drek's Fleet Gold Bolt
On board the ship, before going to Veldin thereare two Gold Bolts. The first is at the end ofthe electric water tunnel, but instead of goingto the right side of the fork at the end, go tothe left for a Gold Bolt and a timer to start theelectric current over once you jump out. Thesecond is tricky, when you are in the room thatis upsidedown and filled with barking dogs andlasers, get off the platform and go through thedoor to the right, the Bolt is in that room.
Last Gold Of The Game
The last thre Gold Bolts in the game are inVeldin, Ratchets home planet. The first one is onthe platform that has about 15 Elite Gaurds, it'sbehind the laser door, it's easy to get, justwhip out the Taunter and lure the frog in thereto step on the switch and the laser will die. Thesecond Bolt is above that platform, when you getto the first Swingshot Ball in the level, look tothe right for platforms, follow them to the GoldBolt. The last one is just before the sewertunnel, just before you get the swingshot out,look to the right for a Grind Rail path, use itand it will take you to the last Gold Bolt in thegame.
1 Level Gold Room
You must beat the game once then go to the firstlevel. There you will find a warping thing (thewhite thing that you stand on to go somewherels).When you warp you will be in a place with goldweapons.
Second Gold Weapon Room
At the area you fought Quark in his ship, returnafter beating the game once and go past therunway you saw him at. Look for the platform anduse it. You will be taken to another gold weaponroom, same gold weapons, but different location!Cool, huh?
Defeat DREK Without Blinking
At the end of the game when you take on MechaDrek. First make sure your R.Y.N.O. is at fullammo. After he pushes the button and starts thetimer for the planet destruct. Go to the button.Hop onto the butten as soon as possible, stoppingthe timer. Then unload on him with the R.Y.N.O.,and jumping on the button everytime the timerrestarts.DREK will be vanquished in less than 30 seconds.
Trick Drek
When you fight Drek the final time, at the bigplatform, when he activates his shield andcharges you, grind on the rail along the edge andhop from rail to rail. This strategy also comesin handy when he releases his jumbo agents ofdoom.
Bomb Factory Gold Bolt
If you have the hydropack then you should knowwhere you acquired it. Go back to the tunnel thatleads to Edwina. Once you get back to the roomthat you must fill with water, fill it up to thepoint before the last amount is needed. Swim downto the first cave in the wall with the water tubeand swim to the back of the cave. Rise up and youshould come out of the water and see a gold bolt.Jump and get it.
Metropolis Gold Bolt
As soon as you get off your ship do not gothrough the tunnel. Walk to the exact middle ofthe balcony and clime carefully over the rail.Now turn the camera so that it is looking at thetunnel. WALK not run off the edge and hover downslowly. You will reach and opening in the wall.It is a tunnel with traffic racing through it.There is a gold bolt in the center. Also if youare good enough you can hit the cars with yourwrench to blow them up and get bolts.
Fort Krontos Gold Bolt

After exiting your ship walk across the bridgeand down to where the robot enemys are hovering.Take these guys out right quick and walk to thedoor with the lock on it. Stand where the greenlock pad is and wall jump in the doorway. Jump tothe top to collect your gold bolt.
On the planet with a turret available (to breakthrough a door) there will be a small thing thatproduces dog-like robots. Shoot them all in theturret but not the producing thing. Run out getthe bolts and hop back in. This works untilthey only produce one bolt per robot, but stillwill produce bolts.
To Get Some More Bolts!!!
If you want to get a couple more bolts all youhave to do is hit a light with your weapon (butnot any of the guns or bombs). Also, this only workswith certain lights.
When you use the Suck Cannon on a chicken youmade with the Morph-o-Ray, it spews out a sprayof feathers.
Weapon And Gadget Locatations
Ps2 Games Ratchet And Clank
Do not waste your hard earned bolts on GOLDweapons even if you can find them. PURCHASE theR.Y.N.O. on Planet Rilgar from an alien lookingdude in the downtown square as soon as you can.It is a most expensive weapon and does take EXTRAtime and disipline to save the bolts. The R.Y.N.Okicks butt and the ammo is cheap!! The R.Y.N.Ofires a bunch of guided missiles with each pullof the trigger. To kill Drek without it I thinkmay be possible, but very difficult andfrustrating. I came close but I was not able todo it without the R.Y.N.O. It is a lot more funto kill Drek with the R.Y.N.O. This is a greatgame, lots of fun. Gadgetron Rules!! I liked thehint to watch the ending completely past thecredits to see the special commercial fromCaptain Quark.
Fast Racing Bolts
When in the 'Hoverboard Races' on gadgetron,Wait till you are on the third lap. Right beforethe first gate(One of 3 that opens a door upahead)Look for a part of the track that iscovered from side-to-side with booster marks,run on them to get a charge. Then jump off theside of the track to the left and do sometricks, you will go kind of far out to sea butbe teleported instantly back to the track rightin front of the booster marks and will still getthe points for the tricks you did off the track!(Repeat this trick to get a higher score eachtime for quick BOLTS!)
Get Gold Bolt In Kabelo 3
To get the gold bolt you have to grind the grindrail, you have to go to the very end, then whenyou see the help desk, as soon as you get off therail, turn around, youll see nothing at first,then walk towards the wall and go to your left,then fall off the edge, not too fast or you'lldie, the go straight and you'll see a transporter.Press triangle in the transporter and you'llteleport to a room full of chickens and you'll seethe gold bolt.
More Golden Weapons
Another place to get gold weapons is at theGemlik Base. After you beat Quack in that bigspace battle, go down the runway until you get toa tall tower. See the jump slot inbetween thewalls? Just jump up and get on an elevator thattakes you way, way up until you get to the secretroom. Here, the weapons that are in golden formare: Bomb Glove, Pyrocitor, Mine Glove, Blaster,Morph-o-ray, Glove of Doom, Decoy Glove, and theSuck cannon. Each weapon costs 4 gold bolts anddifferent amounts of regular bolts.
Ratchet And Clank Game Walkthrough
If you swing your OmniWrench at various plantsthey will fall apart and give you bolts. Thesame applys for some machines.
How To Get The 2 Gold Bolts In Blackwater City
The first gold bolt is past the secret passage that starts to flood with water. You will not be able to get past untill you get the O2 Mask. The second gold bolt is in the laser maze in the corner. It seems impossible to get it because the switch to open the lasers is broken. So,you need to go to the man hole at the end of the maze. Jump on it and wait till it goes up. Jump on top of the maze and work your way into the square with the bolt.
Ratchet And Clank Game Cheats
More Bolts
After completing Gemlik Base leave and go back.First break the boxes to your right, then walkback to the transporter and go to the fighterhanger. Turn right and break the boxes there. Nowgo in the closest door and down all the steps tothe elevator. Go down at the bottom the door willnot open use your wrench and keep hitting thedoor you will keep getting bolts.
Gold Weapons
After you defeat Drek, go to planet Novalis andyou will see a transporter right when you get offthe ship. Press triangle on the transporter andit will tansport you to a room with gold weapons.Each gold weapon is 4 gold bolts and a certainnumber of regular bolts. Each gold weapon isbasicly an upgrade of the regular one.
Walking Exploration Of Hoverboard Track
When in Blackwater City (Planet Rilgar) use the Hologuise when your near the girl that puts you into the hoverboard race. But turn into a robot before pressing triangle. You should start on the hoverboard race on your feet without the other racers!
Easier Money
Once you get the hoverboard & win the races go back & drive into the boxes. Keep doing this again and again as they will most of the time replenish after each race.
Magnetic Wrench
Note: This also works with the Vacuum Gun. Perform a Comet Strike at far awayBolts. If the wrench passes near them, it will attract the Bolts to you. This isespecially useful around water or Bolts that are across chasms.
Easy Money
After receiving the metal detector, go back to previous planets and search forhidden Bolts. Not only does the metal detector help you find more, but theplanets' items also respawn after you leave it.
Cheat Mode
All Ratchet And Clank Games
Defeat Drek, then execute one of the following combos at the 'Goodies' menu tounlock the corresponding cheat option:
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Infinity Bolt Glitch
On planet Rilger (hoverboards and the ryno) go to the hover board races. You will need the taunter and the hologuise. Turn on the hologuise and enter the race. Then press square and you can walk around the track. Next go to the area by the big jump where the big stack of boxes are in the sky. Pull out your taunter and hold circle under the stack. Then the boxes will break and you will get bolts. You can use the taunter as long as you want and bolts will rain from the sky and give you infinate bolts. Then buy the ryno if you don't have it.
Secret Gliding Glitch
Here is how you can glide on the ground with therocket pack insted of running. Equip the rocketpack, then press R1+L1 together, then R2+L2together,then R1+L1 together again real fast. Itlooks like your gliding but on the ground,and ifyou have the magnet boots, you can glide up avent quickly insted of slowly walking. Thismight work with the heli-pack too but I haventtried it. Good Luck!
Created by: jasonfyreheart.Read the full guide...
Ratchet And Clank Games Pc
Created by: zach93.Read the full guide...